
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

King's Empire Battle Guide

City Placement

These tips are city placement in preparation for war time. In placing your city you have to consider few things, transferring time of resources, marching time of troops, and farming of NPC camps.

1. Placing one of your city far away as possible. This allows you to hide your troops while they are marching in your farthest city. This strategy will allow you to save your gems and good for players who don't buy gems. Instead of using gems to use Peace Agreement you will just use to do the limbo (transfering of troops from one city to another)

  • It save gems good for non gem buyer players.
  • If you have spy in your alliance they cannot see your troop count and which city will your troops land.
  • You can't attack if your troops are still marching.
  • You have to be online before your troops land to the city to do the limbo again. (your troops will be vulnerable because you don't have protection so you have to do the limbo again)
  • Your farming troops are very vulnerable.

When trasferring troops to your farthest city, occupy a nearest village then send all your troops from that occupied village to your farthest city, to save food.

2. Placing your other cities 10 to 15 minutes away from your main, This allows you to maximize your farming capabilities, your cities won't over farm your other cities level 11.

  • It will widen your farming area of NPC camp's
  • Player's will have difficult time to find your cities.

  • Distribution of resources takes time.
  • Dispatching of troops takes time.

3. Stronghold is placing cities, villages, and NPC camp's in one area. It is a very good defense against your enemy. If you have a good stronghold the attacking player cannot use all of his army to attack your city espesially if he has a huge amount of troops.

Troops uses food when attacking and it increases depending on kind of troops and distance of attack. Stronghold makes the distance of attack farther, Then increases the food consumption of troops, Then decreases the possible amount of troops that will be send by the offensive player.

Stronghold of one of my guildmate jin
When making a stronghold it is more effective to use multiple alts, than using villages and NPC camp's. Villages and NPC camp's can be consumed by other players and will make a hole in your defense. Also build city outside your stronghold for farming purposes but if you prepare using your alt as a farmer that may also work.

  • Good defense against huge amount of troops.

  • Time consuming.
  • It can reduce your farming efficiency.

Player Job Distribution

1.Breaker is a player that kills the wall and reduces the amount of troops of the defensive player without making them bubbled (Protection/peace agreement). You have to compute it very carefully, The attack power of the attacker must not go beyond 99% of the defense of the targeted player to prevent him using the automatic protection. Breaker is usually players that have average scores and average amount of troops. ( depending on the target and computation )

  • Very effective in killing the troops of targeted players.
  • Can be used in killing players that has a huge amount of troops.
  • It reduces the amount of troop lost of the killer player.

  • Needs two players to be very effective. (Breaker and Killer)
  • Breaker will have a huge amount of troop lost and huge amount of healing gold

2. Killer is the player that gives the finishing blow to the targeted player. It means after the breaker attacks the killer will player will follow. killer players is the one that has the strongest attack power and the largest amount of troops.

  • Less troop lost.

  • Needs two players to be very effective. (Breaker and Killer)

3. Gold Maker is the player that creates gold for the alliance. They farm then sell resources for gold. It is usually the alts of the players, They focus on upgrading living quarters to max.

  • Very vital for healing troops.
  • Time consuming.

4. Spy/Intel is the player that joins other alliance then gather intel like troops counts and cords of the players. This player is very vital to the game to ensure the probability of winning the war. This is a dirty trick in game but it is used by many experience players.

  • Makes the job of the players easier because of the accurancy of info.
  • Dirty trick.

Note: these are just guidelines that I have learned from my experience and other playes experience.

King's Empire Guidelines:

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